Sentinel Storage Makes Winter Safer for Those in Need
Jan 15, 2023
If there’s one thing that Canada is know for, it’s our winters.
That can be a great thing. There’s lots to love about the winter wonderland that this country embraces and enjoys every year. The skiing, snowboarding, ice fishing, snowmobiling and, of course, hockey is all outstanding and something that we can find joy in doing.
And, when you are out doing the things you love it is easy to forget that the temperatures are cold.
Everyone can enjoy the winter, provided they are dressed for it. Sadly, not everyone can afford to buy the clothing needed to navigate and enjoy our Canadian winters.
Thankfully, the people behind United Way Coats for Kids and Families program are acutely aware of the need to always be prepared for the cold. You can currently find Coats for Kids programs in Edmonton and Winnipeg, where they go by the name Koats for Kids.
For more than 30 years Coats/Koats for Kids has worked tirelessly to make sure that families and individuals who are facing economic insecurity have the winter clothing that they need to be able to safely navigate the cold-weather months in the Canadian winter.
Sentinel Storage and Access Storage were proud to assist them as a drop off point for donations during the fall and winter. In 2022-23, more than 6,600 winter outerwear items were distributed by Coats for Kids and Families to 28 local agencies and into the hands of grateful families.
The generosity of Canadians comes through again! Although the program pauses for the summer, we will be back again this fall to make sure that everyone has a safe winter in Canada.